
Sunday 10 June 2012

Autism Show

Quick reminder, you can see me and colleagues from Acorn Care and Education at the Autism Show Friday, Saturday the 15th and 16 th of June. Look forward to another great event and catching up with everyone there   . Follow the link to
Kind regards Robbie.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Parents Forum UGS

Please see invite as follows for parents of Children and Young people placed at UGS. We have sent out invites in the post!  Hope to see you soon, Kind regards Robbie Burke

Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

                              Due to recent developments and consistent drive for improvement within our organisation we would like to invite you to an evening of light refreshments and discussions. This will be  about UGS and how we can incorporate parental feedback to sculpt and develop our service further. We are very committed to ensuring we proactively listen to feedback from parent’s social workers and third parties, so we are intending to host a number of quarterly forums.

We clearly acknowledge that barriers our young people face due to complex Learning difficulties, Mental illnesses and Autistic Spectrum Conditions inhibits their involvement in a number of areas of their lives. Therefore I believe the coming together of you as a body / Forum to support and advocate in a collective fashion will add great value to our organisation.

We hope these events to be very relaxed opportunity for parents to meet and discuss issues which you will be all very familiar with. We will also hopefully be able to use these events to work in partnership with our health, therapy, social services and legal colleagues to help support and guide you with further support for your Child.

We would like to host the first event on the 13th of June at 18.00 the agenda would be as follows

·        18.00/ 18.30 Refreshments and introductions

·        18.35 An introduction to the concept of a parents Forum. R Burke

·        18.45 An introduction to our current development plan and long term aims.

 G McEwan, R Burke

·        19.00 Hosted discussion about Care planning and parental involvement for young people with learning difficulties, complex needs and mental illnesses. R Burke, Jonathan Middleton, Helen Hargreaves, Elaine Capstick

·        19.30 tea and coffee

·        19.40 Open forum for parent / carer feedback, Marie Lawson, Elaine Capstick

·        20.10 Resume. R Burke

·        20.20 Close

Your involvement in this event is very valuable to us and we would really welcome your attendance. Thank you in advance and we hope to see you on the 13 th, kind regards

Monday 28 May 2012

Hot Hot Hot

This weekend we made the most of the hot weather and had a barbecue and played volley ball we had a great time ! (Young Person, Underley Garden Children's Homes)

Brian Thought he was Jamie Oliver ! 

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Walled Garden Site

Following many months of refurbishment, we now have completed refurbishment of two residential properties, and continue to develop and landscape the site. Its starting to look great and we would welcome feedback. The  Children and Young people have contributed ideas and supported aspects of development alongside the operational and maintenance teams. Thanks for all the hard work to everyone !

Thursday 17 May 2012

Awards ceremony Salford City Council

One Young Person recently attended an Educational Awards Ceremony for Looked After Children at Buille Hill Banqueting Suite, Buille Hill Park, Salford. It was on Tuesday 17th April 2012. He was accepting an award for excellent work in Art and Design Technology! He was presented this award by Anthony Cotton from Coronation Street along with Mayor of Salford. We also met Joel Moon and Shannan McPherson of the Salford City Reds Rugby League team! 'x' commented on especially enjoying the pre-ceremony Magician which he thought was 'Brilliant' and 'meeting Anthony Cotton and getting his autograph'. He also enjoyed the buffet!! Overall a great evening and well done!!

Monday 27 February 2012


One of our young people was really keen to share her art work with you this is what she had to say and her stunning work.

‘I have been working really hard on landscape painting.

 I really like David Hockney’s painting and have been looking at his pictures of big trees.

I think I put a lot of feeling in to my work !

Tuesday 24 January 2012

This months quality assurance (Regulation 34)

Please see below a Sample of Comments from this months regulation 34 monitroing of the home's. Its great to see this sort of feedback and we thank everyone for there continued support.

Comments from parents/social workers:

“Since .... has been placed at UGS, everything put in place has been professionally managed and everyone has been great”

“Since..... has been at UGS he has come on leaps and bounds and made significant progress”

“The people at UGS are great”

“.......has formed some brilliant relationships since being at the school”

“UGS have provided consistent support and open communication”

If you have any feedback or comments about the organistion feel free to contact to discus thanks again, Robbie Burke.